Russia Ukraine War - America and European Union Ban Russian Banks from SWIFT System of money transfer

Russia Ukraine War - America and European Union Ban Russian Banks from SWIFT System of money transfer

Russia Ukraine War - America and European Union Ban Russian Banks from SWIFT System of money transfer and BITCOIN is there to help Russian Banks and Peoples to trade internationally.
I think Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency are needed specially to handle this sort of bans and penalties. G7 Big Economy countries think they only rule the world. So they imposes any ban or penalty over anyone.
To avoid these sort of bans and penalties, we all needed Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. Its my view.
#Ukraine #Russia #UkraineRussiaWar  #UkraineConflict #UkraineCrisis #war #swift #SwiftBan #banonrussia #crypto #sandhuvalueinvesting #Investing #matic #Bitcoin

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